It’s always busy at Chapel Ridge and Bradford Ecumenical Home, but things get REALLY busy during the Holiday Season. Here are some highlights from the past month.
Our holiday season always kicks off with the Resident & Family Thanksgiving Dinner at Bradford Ecumenical Home. Always the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, the evening is filled with fellowship, laughter, and plenty of delicious food.
Our wonderful Activities Department doesn’t take a break because immediately after Thanksgiving they start decorating our facilities for Christmas. December is filled with Christmas movies, the Senior Trip sponsored by the ELF Fund, a cocoa bar and Christmas carolers! Many churches and groups come sing to our residents including School Street Elementary, Bradford Area Christian Academy and Bradford Area High School.
The Mitten Tree was a big success this year and lots of little hands will be kept warm this winter thanks to the generosity of our residents, staff, families and friends.
There was plenty of Christmas cheer at Chapel Ridge on December 14 for the Chapel Ridge Resident & Family Christmas Dinner. Laughter could be heard through the hallways as everyone gathered together.
Just because we are getting closer to Christmas doesn’t mean an end to holiday fun at our facilities. Santa and his reindeer will be making a stop at both Bradford Ecumenical Home and Chapel Ridge before he starts his rounds. ALL of our residents are on his “Nice” list and will be enjoying plenty of gifts this year!
On the 31st we will be singing Auld Lang Syne and saying good-bye to 2016 and welcoming 2017. We are looking forward to another year with plenty to do, places to go and things to see.
So, from our family here at Bradford Ecumenical Home, Inc. to all of you, both far and near:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The staff from the Activity Department enjoying a night out before the holiday rush begins!